On 6/27/02 8:44 AM, "Michael Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 27 June 2002 02:10 am, Justin Cobb wrote:
>> Like many of you, I recieved a Cease and Desist letter from TWC/RR as
>> well.
>> The problem I have though, is that I was never running a node. Ever.
>> Indeed, I do not own, nor have I ever owned, a single piece of wireless
>> networking equipment.
> It seems clear that TWC (or a company hired by TWC, more likely) has
> skimmed the database and sent letters to everyone they could identify.
> This illustrates an attack on public wireless, which needs to be defended
> against: listings of nodes should NOT include ISP information or
> significant identifying information about the operator, and various
> techniques need to be explored to get the whole wireless cloud concept
> really operational, with the goal of reducing the exposure of any one
> participant.

Just keep in mind that although some of you identified which ISP you used- I
didn't. I set up my node before those options were there, so only had cable.
They still id'd it.  The other part is that if you have a cloud running,
then we could be part of the cloud w/o being a wired internet connect
point.. It'd be difficult to prove, but that would be a interesting case.

> And of course, no one who really cares about their internet access should
> obtain it from TWC or any other consumer-oriented company.  TWC is used
> to being able to up their profit margins by cutting the services provided
> to customers (slice a channel here, a channel there, make this one
> premium...), and this mentality carries over to internet access.  Verizon
> is the same way.  B2B-oriented companies do not have the same mentality,
> nor do many small ISPs.

I'm curious if anyone has any experience w/ Earthlink. They offer the same
basic service as RR, but are not RR.  However, this group at TWC does say
Hig Speed Online Services.. So does TWC care about how people use the
earthlink service?  (considering boingo is a  spin off, you'd think they
encouraged more nodes ;-)



Matthew Barr                              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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