If anyone has a suggestion in regards to the situation below, I'd certainly appreciate it.

I ordered DSL from <local provider on this list who shall remain nameless, contact me offline for details> who totally dropped the ball on my order. It turns out that they could not provide DSL service, even though I prequal'd through their online system. And then they didn't contact me for a week. Now, I'm moving in two weeks... not much time here.

Turns out that my new phone lines have a Digital Subscriber Loop, which means no DSL. And Cablevision (this is in Brooklyn) can't do cable modem, either. Verizon refused to switch me to an analog loop, and even they cannot provide me with DSL. I really hate Verizon even more, didn't think that was possible.

It is looking like my only choice is either a pricey SDSL install, or a pricier T1 (out of the question). If anyone can suggest a third option, I'd certainly like to hear about it.


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