On Apr 15, 2004, at 12:49 PM, Kevin Arima wrote:

I guess my beef with the Wireless industry in general was the lack of
upgradability for WPA/TKIP for existing cards. Every vendor was claiming
that they'd come up with the upgrade, then... I guess the marketing
department got the best of this situation, and forced us all to buy new
stuff to get that feature.

Intersil changed the firmware to allow TKIP, as did Agere (Lucent). Atheros changed the driver.

My other beef is Atheros' apparent lack of "good neighbor" policy with
their "108mbps" chipset. Instead of using two nonoverlapping frequency,
they had to use all _three_.

This isn't *quite* true. the use two adjacent channels, but the spectral products run over the whole band.

What isn't normally understood is that there aren't "3 non-overlapping channels" with 802.11g cards, either.

 I strongly discourage everyone from buying
108mbps-based products, because you _will_ make your neighbors unhappy
when you interfere with their ability to get wireless.

All you have to do is run 802.11g either co-channel or on an adjacent channel, and you will reduce their range and/or throughput.


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