Emre Celebi wrote:

> I agree, installing today's cellular system in subways is a bad idea.
> Think about amount of radiaton you'll expose people in. All cars have
> metallic case, it won't work well unless you install a device within
> each, or unless you fry people into mutants. Would you want a cellular
> base station installed in your room?

I really cannot see what all the fuzz is about!

In Helsinki, Finland we have had cellular phone service in subway stations and 
tunnels for over 10 years.

Technically this is not a problem. The antenna used is a long leaky coaxial 
cable that stretches the whole length of the tunnels. All competing carriers 
work. I do not think they have built their own base stations but have some 
arrangement to use shared resources.

What would be news is if the city of Boston or the transport authority would 
offer 802.11 wireless Internet access on the subway, preferable free of charge.


On the technical matter, has anybody used "leaky cable" antennas with WiFi? 
This could be a solution in apartment blocks as the same antenna could reach 
several floors.

Petri Krohn
HelsinkiOpen  --  http://www.helsinkiopen.net

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