Please take a moment to sign this petition from Free
Press.  Thanks!

--- "Timothy Karr, Campaign Director"

> Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:26:10 -0500 (CDT)
> From: "Timothy Karr, Campaign Director"
> Subject: Demand affordable Internet for all New
> Yorkers
> Dear Media Reformer:
> Internet access is becoming a basic public necessity
> — just like water, gas or electricity. But far too
> many New Yorkers are finding themselves on the wrong
> side of the digital divide, priced out by high
> monthly fees or stranded by corporation that have
> deemed their neighborhoods unprofitable.
> It's time to bring New York City into the 21st
> century and connect every New Yorker to the
> Internet. Philadelphia, San Francisco and Boston are
> doing it — so should New York City. 
> Urge city leaders to provide low-cost, high-speed
> Internet access for every New Yorker by 2007. Go to
> Verizon, Cablevision and Time Warner charge working
> families around $600 a year for a connection that is
> 10 times slower than broadband in Tokyo. Children
> across the world have better and faster Internet
> access than kids in Brooklyn. New York City schools
> are ranked 41st in the country in the use of
> computers in education. 
> The city government has failed to embrace the
> possibilities of new information technology. Yet
> advances in wireless technology could give every New
> Yorker access to broadband for less than $10 per
> month.
> Call on Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Public Advocate
> Betsy Gotbaum, and members of the City Council to
> deliver universal, affordable broadband Internet
> access for every New Yorker by Jan. 1, 2007.
> Sign the petition now at
> And please forward this message to your friends and
> family in New York.
> Onward,
> Timothy Karr
> Campaign Director
> Free Press
> P.S. For more information on efforts to bring
> high-speed Internet access to New York, visit
> and
> P.P.S. To learn more about the national effort for
> Community Internet and municipal broadband, see
> Free Press and Free Press Action Fund are directing
> you to these online resources to further a public
> policy goal. Free Press and Free Press Action Fund
> do not support or oppose elected officials or
> candidates for public office.
> /*Your email ID. <diaEmailID='28738888'/>--*/

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