On 1/8/06, Jim Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dustin,
>    I'm not quite sure how you form conclusions so I guess I better be more
> specific. I never said nor do I believe  I inferred that my broadband sucks.
> I think it's great!  I have 3 cable modems each providing 8 mbs download and
> 1 mbps upload. Two of the 3 I have aggregated through a twin wan port
> router. I love it. I don't think it's expensive at all.

I guess the issue comes down to the fact society needs roads. 
Independent contractors build the roads but the citizens share those
roads that are maintained by taxpayer dollars. Dollars that are then
spent on private contractors to do major new work on these roads.  How
does this situation differ from the need of the citizens to have
ubiquitous freely available broadband access for the greater good of

There is no way to put a dollar amount on how much revenue has been
generated by giving citizens free access to roads. People use the
roads to get to work, marketers advertise on the sides of roads. Gas
stations, malls, eateries, etc. populate the roads for commerce and
these city/state/federal roads give the drivers easy access to these
revenue streams.

We must build broadband roads to facilitate the future of business in
this country.  How do we do it so the roads can be freely traveled by
the citizens in order to create these new revenue streams?
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