    I've no doubt that SOME of the Internet may be public 
property,though I don't know for sure. The Internet is not a 
single entity, it's made up of thousands of switches, routers, 
muxes, optical segments, etc., that are indeed private property.  
To be honest,you seem so uninformed on this subject I'm surprised 
you attempt to debate it.
    If you look into this pending bill, “The Internet 
Non-Discrimination Act of 2006,” by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), you 
will see that if passed it will place the FCC in the business of 
regulating the Internet.  If you can show that Time Warner is 
involved in getting this legislation introduced,I willbe very 

On Thu Mar 16 06:36:03 PST 2006, Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 05:46 -0800, Jim Henry wrote:
>> Ruben,
>>   Sorry you hate me.I don't know you well enough to even like or 
>> dis-like you. ;-)
> I know enough about you.  Your trying to hurt my children and 
> make them
> slaves to Time Warner's agenda on what they are and are not 
> allowed to
> read.
>>    As to regulating the Internet, it is the so-called 
>> "Net-Neutrality" advocates who are pushing to regulate it
> That would be Time Warner trying to regulate it.
>>  and have even introduced a bill in Congress to attempt to tell 
>> private companies
> The internet is not private property and if Time Warner et al 
> hopes to
> remain a player in providing common carriage, they had best get 
> behind
> the publics demand for common access or they WILL be replaced as 
> cable
> access providers.
>> how they should handle traffic on their own networks!
> Its not their network.
> But if they care to remain a common carrier to the public 
> internet, they
> had better shape up or we will replace them with someone who does
> provide common carrier access....Google, Covad or IBM for example 
> might
> be interested in replacing Dolan et al.
> Ruben
> --
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