The puddles on Hulbert Rd got a reinforcing shot of rain this afternoon,
which should keep them viable for a little while longer, at least.  This
evening, Betsy and I had 9 species of shorebirds with BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER
being a new addition.  Here is our list:

Killdeer many
Black-bellied Plover 1
Semi. Plover 3
Greater Yellowlegs 2
Lesser Yellowlegs 1
Pectoral Sandpiper 6
Short-billed Dowitcher 4-5
Semi. Sandpiper 25
Least Sandpiper 10

These birds can be very difficult to find when they are foraging in the
soybeans, as opposed to the open water.  The dowitchers seem to hide
particularly well.  All the birds were in adult plumage, except perhaps for
the Black-bellied, which may have been a second-year bird.  There were also
a number of Horned Larks here, including some juveniles.  Purple Martins and
other swallows were heard and/or seen overhead.

Hulbert Rd is a short road that runs between Rt 18 (Lake Rd) and
Youngstown-Wilson Rd in the Town of Wilson, Niagara County.  With all the
rain recently, there are a number of puddles along Hulbert Rd but it is the
larger puddles that are about 1/4 mile north of Youngstown-Wilson Rd that
had most of the birds (the west side of the road).  Many of the birds were
in the soy beans around the wet spots.
Courtesy of Jim Osterlund, here are the Google coordinates for the site:

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Wilson, NY

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