Another interesting day in Sullivan. The GREAT CORMORANT continues at the 
Bashakill WMA.  It was seen by at least a dozen people both this morning and 
this afternoon.  I am really hoping the bird survives the accelerated hunting 
that takes place each weekend at this time of year.  Due to the area he 
frequents, I think he stands a good chance of evading the hunters.  Also of 
note are the shorebirds at Swan Lake.  It is starting to seem late to me, but 
at least 25 Wilson's Snipe, one Pectoral Sandpiper, one Dunlin and one Killdeer 
continue there.  Ruddy Ducks and Green-winged Teal are abundant in several 
locations.  PINE SISKINS continue to increase in number, Scott Baldinger had at 
least 70 at his feeders.  The birds of the day (for me at least) were two 
swallows that flew by the hawk watch tower at 2:56 pm today.  They were dark 
above, buff brown below, short square tails and rounded wings.  I am absolutely 
certain they were CAVE SWALLOWS!!  Though I was unable to discern any pale rump 
(dark clouds and rain just north of the tower made lighting very bad) I also 
saw no white forehead indicative of Cliff Swallow and all other species of 
swallow were easily ruled out. One might argue that juvenile Cliff Swallow 
might have a dark forehead, but the likelihood of that species is so slim I am 
confident of my identification.  I left the tower immediately as the birds flew 
down the ridge directly toward the Bashakill which is only 8 miles away and 
clearly visible from the tower.  In spite of a long vigilance until near dark, 
no swallows ever showed at the Bash. I can only hope these or others will show 
and be seen by others over the weekend.  Also of note were 4 GOLDEN EAGLES at 
the Hawk Watch this afternoon.  John Haas 


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