This is a summary of the Hudson-Mohawk Birdline reports for the week ending November 17, 2010. Report your sightings in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region to

Eighty-three species were reported this week including 21 waterfowl species.

The best birds of the week were:
BRANT: Rensselaer Lake 11/14.
CACKLING GOOSE: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11(2).
EURASIAN WIDGEON; Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16,
LONG-TAILED DUCK: Lake George 11/12; Saratoga Lake 11/14 (2); Burden Lake 11/14.
PACIFIC LOON: (possible) Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11.
RED-NECKED GREBE: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/12, 11/16, 11/17; Saratoga Lake 11/14.
HORNED GREBE: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/17,(4).
NORTHERN GOSHAWK: Saratoga Spa State Park 11/14.
AMERICAN COOT: Collins Lake 11/11 11/12 11/13 (9); Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16 (8).
BOREAL CHICKADEE: Partridge Run 11/12.
FOX SPARROW: Collins Lake 11/13 (2).
SNOW BUNTING: Saratoga Lake 11/14 (2).
RED CROSSBILL: Partridge Run 11/11 (2).
EVENING GROSBEAK: Averill Park 11/15 (3).

Other notable sightings:
Snow Goose: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11 (2); 11/15 many.
Wood Duck: Loughberry Lake 11/14 (3); Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11 (4); Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16.
American Widgeon; Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16.
Green-winged Teal: Tomhannock Reservoir (4).
Greater Scaup: Loughberry Lake 11/14 (2).
Lesser Scaup: Loughberry Lake (7); Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16; Tomhannock Reservoir 11/17.
Black Scoter: Tomhannock 11/16, 11/17(4).
Bufflehead: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11(4); Lake George 11/15.
Common Goldeneye: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11 (50), 11/16 (100's+); Saratoga Lake 11/14. Hooded Merganser: Loughberry Lake 11/14 (40+); Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11(many), 11/16.
Ruddy Duck: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11.
Ruffed Grouse: Partridge Run 11/12.
Common Loon: Lake George 11/12, 11/15 (4); Saratoga Lake 11/14 (3); Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11(5), 11/16 (2), 11/16(6).
Pied-billed Grebe: Collins Lake 11/11 (3) 11/13.
Bald Eagle: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/17; I-87 exit 12 11/11; Collins Lake 11/11.
Sharp-shinned Hawk: Brunswick (11/11); Woodlawn 11/17.
Great Horned Owl: Saratoga 11/14.
Belted Kingfisher: Loughberry Lake 11/14; Collins Lake 11/13 (2).
Pileated Woodpecker: Loughberry Lake 11/14; Lake George 11/12 11/15: Tomhannock Reservoir (11/11).
Common Raven: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11.
Red-breasted Nuthatch: Cooper's Pond /11; Partridge Run 11;Tomhannock Reservoir (11).
Carolina Wren: Schenectady 11; Woodlawn 11/12, 11/15.
Brown Creeper: Partridge Run 11; Collins Lake 11/13.
Winter Wren: Collins Lake 11/13.
Golden-crowned Kinglet: Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11.
Common Yellowthroat: Collins Lake 11/13.
Eastern Towhee: Tomhannock Reservoir (11).
Rusty Blackbird: Cooper's Pond 11/11.
Purple Finch: Polo Club Saratoga 11/14 (2).

Thanks to: Randall Rocheleau (Rensselaer Lake), Ron Harrower (Loughberry Lake, Saratoga Spa State Park, Saratoga Lake), Don Gresens, Birdline compiler and HMBC Sat trip (Collins Lake 11/13, Burden Lake 11/14, Woodlawn 11/12 11/15, 11/17), Larry Alden (Tomhannock Reservoir 11/11), Will Raup (Partridge Run 11/11, Tomhannock Reservoir 11/15, 11/16, 11/17), Steve Abrahamsen (Saratoga Lake 11/14, Saratoga 11/14). Naomi Lloyd (Tomhannock Reservoir 11/14 ), Brian Smith (Averill Park 11/15), Barb Casey (I-87exit 12 11/10), Eric Krantz (Lake George 11/12, 11/15), Brad Walker (Cooper's Pond 11/11), Ann Magee (Clarksville 11/13), Alan French (Glenville 11/16), Tom Williams (Vischer Ferry NHP 11/16), Bill Lee, Thursday group, (Tomhannock Reservoir (11/11), Brunswick 11/11, Schenectady 11/11).


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