This is a summary of the Hudson-Mohawk Birdline reports for the week ending November 24, 2010. Report your sightings in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region to

Sixty-three species were reported this week including 23 waterfowl species.

Best birds of the week:
EURASIAN WIGEON: Vischer Ferry 11/18 - 11/24.
LONG-TAILED DUCK: Easton 11/18.
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE: Tomhannock 11/21.
HORNED GREBE: Lake George 11/19 (2).
GOLDEN EAGLE: Rensselaerville 11/21.
LAUGHING GULL: Hudson 11/24.
ICELAND GULL: Round Lake 11/21.
BOHEMIAN WAXWING: Easton 11/18; Hague 11/20.

Other notable sightings:
Snow Goose: Stillwater 11/18 (~100); Tomhannock 11/21 (~1300).
American Wigeon: Vischer Ferry 11/18 (10), 11/19 (8), 11/21.
Northern Pintail: Vischer Ferry 11/18 (4), 11/21.
Greater Scaup: Vischer Ferry Power Plant 11/18; Loughberry Lake 11/20 (6).
Lesser Scaup: Vischer Ferry 11/18, 11/19.
Bufflehead: Vischer Ferry Power Plant 11/18 (2); Lake George 11/18, 11/19 (10+); Copake Lake 11/24 (6).
Ruffed Grouse: Austerlitz 11/19.
Common Loon: Lake George 11/18, 11/19.
Pied-billed Grebe: Loughberry Lake 11/19, 11/20
Bald Eagle: Stillwater 11/18.
American Coot: Vischer Ferry 11/18 (3), 11/19.
Common Raven: Austerlitz 11/19.
Fox Sparrow: Austerlitz 11/19 (2); Glenville 11/24.
Pine Siskin: Austerlitz 11/19.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Steve Abrahamsen (Loughberry Lake 11/20, Tomhannock, Round Lake), Larry Alden (Meadowdale ), Gerry Colborn (Rensselaerville), Alan French (Glenville), Bernie Grossman (Vischer Ferry 11/20), Peg Hasselwander (Albany), John Hershey (Vischer Ferry 11/18, 11/24), Nancy Kern (Austerlitz, Loughberry Lake 11/19, Vischer Ferry 11/19, Hudson), Eric Krantz (Lake George), Bill Lee (Easton, Stillwater), Larry Main (Vischer Ferry 11/18), Ellen Pemrick (Colonie), Will Raup (Vischer Ferry 11/18, Vischer Ferry Power Plant), Jim Ries (Hague), Scott Stoner (Vischer Ferry 11/21) and Tom Williams (Vischer Ferry 11/18, 11/19).


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