Date: Friday, 17 June 2011 (1:50p-4:55p)
Location: Manhattan - Swindler Cove Park & Sherman Creek
Reported by: Ben Cacace

This five acre upper Manhattan park is situated along the Harlem River at
the end of Dyckman St. & 10th Avenue across the island from Fort Tryon Park.

Less time spent at the park and plenty of rain kept the total numbers down.

During the heaviest rain the female YELLOW WARBLER was on nest and mantling
the nest with its wings protecting the 3+ nestlings like a raptor protecting
its meal. The young ones are practically all gape and fuzz.

** Total species - 27 **

May-June checklists [7]:
- # of birds seen on the last 6 trips were 36, 35, 35, 32, 34, 32 & 27
respectively for a combined total of 45.
- Additional birds seen [0]: none
- Birds missed [18]: American Black Duck, Red-throated Loon, Great Egret,
Osprey, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Spotted
Sandpiper, Northern Flicker, Alder/Willow Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo,
American Crow, Tree Swallow, Northern Mockingbird, Blackpoll Warbler,
Brown-headed Cowbird, House Finch & American Goldfinch

Last 3 birds seen: Blue Jay, Downy Woodpecker & Black-crowned Night-Heron.

Weather for 17-Jun for New York, NY (1:51p-4:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Mostly Cloudy / Heavy Rain / Mostly Cloudy
- Temperature: 73.9 to 64.4 to 66.9 F
- Wind direction: Variable - Calm
- Wind speed: Calm - 14 mph (gusts to 21 mph)

Abundance categories from 'The New York City Audubon Society Guide to
Finding Birds in the Metropolitan Area' published 2001. Abundance season is
'Summer', June - mid July, and applies to all of New York City.

'Scarce' seen in habitat, but not daily [1 spp]:
- Hairy Woodpecker - 1 male near the saltmarsh

'Fairly Common' usually seen; 3-12 per day in habitat [7 spp]:
- Downy Woodpecker - 1
- Eastern Kingbird - 1 near the saltmarsh
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 1 seen throughout the day
- Cedar Waxwing - 4+ seen & heard
- Yellow Warbler - 5+ incl. nesting pair & 3+ nestlings
- Northern Cardinal - 1 male seen & heard
- Baltimore Oriole - 1 male on S edge of Sherman Creek

'Common' seen easily; more than 12 per day in habitat [19 spp]:
- Canada Goose - 23+ incl. 2 goslings
- Mallard - 13+
- Double-crested Cormorant - 3+ incl. 1 adult & 2 juveniles
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 adult on Sherman Creek
- Ring-billed Gull - 4+
- Herring Gull - 3+
- Great Black-backed Gull - 1+
- Rock Pigeon - 6+
- Mourning Dove - 2+
- Chimney Swift - 10+ over entrance to Swindler Cove Park
- Blue Jay - 1+ seen & heard
- Barn Swallow - 3+
- American Robin - 12+
- Gray Catbird - 6+
- European Starling - 12+
- Song Sparrow - 3+ seen & heard
- Red-winged Blackbird - 2 incl. nesting pair on Sherman Creek
- Common Grackle - 12+
- House Sparrow - 24+

Taxonomic order:

- Canada Goose - 23+ incl. 2 goslings
- Mallard - 13+
- Double-crested Cormorant - 3+ incl. 1 adult & 2 juveniles
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 adult on Sherman Creek

- Ring-billed Gull - 4+
- Herring Gull - 3+
- Great Black-backed Gull - 1+

- Rock Pigeon - 6+
- Mourning Dove - 2+

- Chimney Swift - 10+ over entrance to Swindler Cove Park

- Downy Woodpecker - 1
- Hairy Woodpecker - 1 male near the saltmarsh

- Eastern Kingbird - 1 near the saltmarsh

- Blue Jay - 1+ seen & heard

- Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 1 seen throughout the day
- Barn Swallow - 3+

- American Robin - 12+

- Gray Catbird - 6+
- European Starling - 12+

- Cedar Waxwing - 4+ seen & heard

- Yellow Warbler - 5+ incl. nesting pair & 3+ nestlings

- Song Sparrow - 3+ seen & heard

- Northern Cardinal - 1 male seen & heard

- Red-winged Blackbird - 2 incl. nesting pair on Sherman Creek
- Common Grackle - 12+

- Baltimore Oriole - 1 male on S edge of Sherman Creek

- House Sparrow - 24+


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