Remote birding

If the bird is there, there it is. No matter how it is detected.

How that knowledge is used is a different matter.

eBird even has a category for accepting records derived from night calls
monitored by digital recording devices and introduced by later downloads
into the database.

But a bird viewed at a feeder cam isn't acceptable.

I can understand that we don't want several hundred reports of the same
vagrant at a feeder entered into the data. But at least one entry ought to
be acceptable. All the other duplicates (except perhaps for subsequent
dates ) could be disregarded. But, wait. Don't we accept dozens of reports
of the same rarity reported by many observers at a stakeout? This is how
programmers earn their keep.

Rich Guthrie
New Baltimore,
The Greene County,
New York

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:10 PM <> wrote:

> Steve Walter’s spoonbill post got me thinking.
> Occasionally, when I’m bored at work, I’ll turn on the live East Hampton
> Beach Cam just to see what I can see. Surf, weather, birds, etc.
> I’ve been able to identify things like Barn Swallow, Sanderling, even LBB
> Gull. Would these count for Suffolk?
> With binoculars, light is bent through the lens arrangement to focus on
> your retinas.
> With the webcam, light is focused onto a CMOS chip, converted to zeros and
> ones, beamed to a satellite, beamed back to my computer, and then focused
> on my retinas.
> Same thing, right? The time difference between the two is negligible.
> I know, I know, it’s not the same. But it is “live” in the sense of time,
> and very real. (Not like that great Tom Brady video this week of him
> playing catch with a football passing machine).
> What if I happen to see a Yellow-nosed Albatross cruise across my monitor
> one day? Can I count it and, better yet, should I even report it…..
> The problems of the modern age.
> --
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Richard Guthrie


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