On 08/10/2014 13:36, Marcel Reutegger wrote:
> Hi,
> On 08/10/14 14:20, "Marcel Reutegger" <mreut...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> because we don't have a 1.2 version ;)
>> I'll create one in JIRA and update unresolved issues.
> Done. Please change the fix version back to 1.1.x when you
> resolve an issue currently scheduled for 1.2. Also feel free
> to set it back to 1.1.1 when you intend to fix an issue for
> the next unstable release.
Question for clarifying some doubts I have.

Everything in trunk will be 1.2 (next stable release) and when we cut an
unstable one we use 1.1.x. Is that right?

Now should we leave multiple versions on the issue? For example we have
create an issue in trunk for the next iteration and it will be 1.2. We
resolve it and release it in the unstable cut: let's say 1.1.1. Now the
issue is resolve 1.2, 1.1.1. We then backport it to the current stable
as it was a bug and we therefore have resolve: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.0.9. When
we'll cut the next new stable the versions will be 1.2.0, 1.1.1, 1.0.9.
Is this correct?

Thank you

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