
On 13/10/14 12:55, "Davide Giannella" <dav...@apache.org> wrote:
>Question for clarifying some doubts I have.
>Everything in trunk will be 1.2 (next stable release) and when we cut an
>unstable one we use 1.1.x. Is that right?


The idea of the 1.2 fix version is to indicate what issues we intend
to fix or implement until the 1.2 release.

>Now should we leave multiple versions on the issue? For example we have
>create an issue in trunk for the next iteration and it will be 1.2. We
>resolve it and release it in the unstable cut: let's say 1.1.1. Now the
>issue is resolve 1.2, 1.1.1. We then backport it to the current stable
>as it was a bug and we therefore have resolve: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.0.9. When
>we'll cut the next new stable the versions will be 1.2.0, 1.1.1, 1.0.9.
>Is this correct?

I wouldn't keep the 1.2 fix version when we release an unstable 1.1.x with
resolved issues. 


>Thank you

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