On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Luca Mearelli <luca.meare...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Peter Keane <pjke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> b) that's what the unpredictable callback token is for.
>> Does that demonstrate it is the same user?  I believe it makes it
>> highly likely, but not "verifyable" (in standard authentication terms.
>> Nothing is 100% verifyable).
> It's the union of a)+b) that makes it possible to demonstrate that
> it's the same user under reasonable assumptions

You are certainly correct on this.  My concern (perhaps unfounded) is
that a couple weeks ago we said that same thing about OAuth 1.0.  I
cannot imagine an exploit that would work but I suspect one might be
formulated (i.e., it's theoretically possible).

> for "reasonable assumptions" i mean conditions which would void the
> whole protocol security if false e.g. that the attacker is not able to
> intercept the user's communication with the SP or the Consumer or that
> the user doesn't fall for a phishing attack on the Consumer or the SP
> ...
>> The wiki page states 6.8: "The Service Provider MUST check that the
>> OAuth verifier was originally issued for the OAuth consumer key and
>> request token." But in the described exploit, the attacker has both
>> the consumer key AND request token.
> but if the attacker is not able to change the callback then it's not
> possible for the attacker to grab the callback token (i.e. the "OAuth
> verifier") which is necessary to complete the authorization exchange
> at the consumer.
>> I would note -- a requirement that the SP keeps a store of the
>> unpredictable callback token (assuming user identifier is mixed in)
>> and checks it before granting the access token DOES make this
>> "verifyably" the same user.
> this is exactly what step 6.8 means: to be able to "check that the
> OAuth verifier was originally issued for the OAuth consumer key and
> request token" the SP will need to store it alongside the request
> token (N.B. step 6 "Obtaining an Access Token" is executed by the
> Consumer).

Sorry -- yes, that was a mistake on my part.

> Luca
> >

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