I'm new to the OAuth pattern, as such, I welcome any criticism of my
ignorance. As I understand it, Section 6.2.1 of the OAuth 1.0a spec
states that the consumer MUST obtain approval by directing the user to
the service provider at which point the user enters their credentials,
consequently, approving the request token. From what I gather, this
redirection serves two purposes. It keeps the users credentials safe
from a malicious/careless consumers and it prevents anyone snooping
the wire on non-SSL connections from obtaining any useful data. I
think premise that a redirect to the service provider keeps
credentials safe in any reliable way is deeply, deeply flawed. I've
read several arguments issuing caution about the susceptibility of
this pattern to phishing attacks and most just issue the warning then
continue on to explain how to implement it anyway.  In my humble
opinion a phishing attack is so trivial with this pattern that
attempting to keep user credentials from the consumer is futile.

Let me use the canonical scenario. The consumer - printer.example.com
- directs the user to the service provider authorization page -
photos.example.com/authorize - where the user logs in and authorizes
the consumer. The OAuth pattern argues that this keeps the user safe
in the event that printer.example.com is a den of thieves interested
is stealing your credentials. I disagree. If they wanted to steal your
info it would be pitifully trivial to redirect you to
example.printer.com/authorize. The idea that most users will notice
the URL slight of hand is unrealistic. Did you? For that matter, a
malicious consumer could load the authorization page in a browser
window without an address bar and remove the users ability to tell the
difference. The only benefit redirection seems to offer is in keeping
consumers from carelessly storing passwords that can be stolen. If a
consumer wants your password, they'll get it. Easily!

 I argue that it is so easy to trick large numbers of users with a
fake authorization page that the requirement is useless. Though far
from ideal, I propose that it isn't any less safe to allow the
consumer - web or installed - to authorize themselves by prompting for
the users credentials and passing them over SSL. This would still
eliminate the need for the consumer to store credentials on the users
behalf as with basic auth and it would spare users the unfamiliarity
of the OAuth workflow. I realize this does nothing to control
malicious consumers. My only case is that compromising the redirect
workflow is so trivial that at least we can give the user back a
normal authentication experience.

Once again, it is entirely possible that I'm mis-understanding
something, it wouldn't be the first time. But if I'm not, then we
should really consider whether or not redirection is presenting a
dangerous, false sense of security.

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