On Mar 9, 2010, at 8:16 PM, David Recordon wrote:

> The challenge is that client developers (who we really want to make
> OAuth dead simple for) will be forced to use less optimal storage for
> tokens (blobs versus shorter and indexable types such as varchars).
> They also won't be able to build any assumptions around token length
> into their database design.  Any DBA cringes when they see the blob
> type for multiple columns within a table (access token and refresh
> token per user).

To throw another opinion on the fire - access tokens shouldn't be required to 
be over an order of magnitude smaller than browser cookies or HTTP headers, and 
nearly an order of magnitude smaller than a URL. In fact, 256 characters is 
only barely long enough to hold the longest allowed domain name.

To parallel browser cookies, HTTP headers and URLs, there are accepted 'minimum 
maximums' out there - which the minimum size that user agents are expected to 
support, and the maximum size the server will assume be supported by an 
arbitrary agent. I don't believe all of these are formalized, but they all 

> Some OAuth servers will have short tokens which a client might
> integrate with first and decide that a varchar(255) is reasonable to
> hold tokens.  They'll then run across a server with longer tokens, not
> realize it, and be confused why their client isn't working when it's
> due to their database silently truncating tokens after 255 characters.

Sounds like they should consider picking a different database vendor.

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