On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> But that's just an annoying implementation detail.

Yes.  The user-agent flow is a set of annoying implementation details
that are very, very useful if you want to make the protocol efficient.

> If the only different now between the hybrid and web server flows is one 
> character ('?' vs '#'), and all the other security considerations and rules 
> (matching, registration, etc.) are the same, I don't see any point in going 
> back to -05 structure.
> Otherwise, we have exactly the same section repeating twice or three times, 
> with almost no differences (which actually makes it harder to pick).

There is another important difference in the protocol flows.

The web-server flow only returns a verification code on the query.  It
does not return a token.  There are a couple of reasons for that.
- tokens returned on query strings have more ways to leak than tokens
returned in fragments.  A shorter-lived code is safer.
- the verification code requires client authentication to use.  This
makes it safer.  It also will, I think, get oauth2 based login
protocols up to LoA 2.

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