> Consider what happens when a client web server is compromised and the
> client secret and refresh tokens are stolen.
> - the attacker can use the tokens until the compromise is discovered.
> - the client secret is then changed
> - the stolen refresh tokens then become useless
> Now, *if* the implicit grant type returns refresh token, that story
> changes.  Even if the client secret is changed, the attacker can keep
> using the refresh tokens!

I think this is exactly the point! It only makes sense for the auth code
flow where client credentials are supplied in the refresh token request. The
idea behind not issuing a refresh token to a client that can't store
confidential client credentials is there that is no protection against a
compromised refresh token. A refresh token request requires no redirection
and no interaction with a user so if I can grab it, I've got an endless all
access pass to your users' data until they deny your app access to their

I may be a little misinformed when I talk about the implicit flow with
respect to a native client. I was mainly talking about its usage with
respect to browser-based client.

I wasn't aware about the auth code flows without secrets until the recent
suggested flows for native clients included the auth code flow with out a

There seem to be many recent changes that muddied the original security
considerations behind parameter and credentials requirements for the auth
and implicit flows. Now there is auth code flow server (client secret
required)/auth code flow for native apps (client secret optional) and
implicit flow for browser clients (no refresh token)/implicit flow for
native apps (optional refresh token?).

It feels like there should be a well-defined or at least more
narrowly-scoped flow for each intended usage instead of saying various
clients can use the same flow but in various different ways. This makes it
easy for developers to pick an choose which parameters they want to supply
but difficult for server providers to validate requests.

All that said, I do agree there is a user experience issue with the implicit
flow. From a user's perspective if feels annoying to be asked the same
question multiple times when the answer is always the same. I think I heard
mention of facebook using tokens that don't expire. From their
documentation, it sounds like they did the right thing. They don't do this
by default but provide it as an option that the user has to authorize.

"If your app needs an access token with an infinite expiry time (perhaps to
take actions on the user's behalf after they are not using your app), you
can request the *offline_access *permission."

If I read that right, that says the user has to opt into the access_token
not expiring. I believe this may be the smarted solution for now because it
uses the scope parameter to gain this additional access which is using the
actual protocol parameters as intended instead of hacking around them.
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