The approval screen is a detail of the UX that the protocol itself doesn't address, since there are several instances where an approval screen does and does not make sense.

If you're doing a "trust on first use" (TOFU) scenario where the resource owner is the same as the end user (remember, they may be different entities entirely!), then the approval screen is very important. This is the classical OAuth use case, and one of the primary novel things that it allows for which other protocols don't. Since most of the publicly-facing deployments of OAuth are in this kind of world, where you're using the end user to bridge trusted security boundaries via OAuth, then you see a lot of this.

If your end user and resource owner are different entities, then the person sitting at the browser might not actually have a choice about whether to allow access. In this case, it doesn't make any sense to ask them because the decision is being made by policy, or by circumstances around the request. It does still make sense to do a three-legged OAuth in this flow, because you can then bind the context of the user having authenticated to the AS in the front channel with the client having authenticated to the AS in the back channel. This separating and re-binding gives you three legs in an authorization triangle, which is a very powerful and secure pattern to follow. We're starting to see things like this in the enterprise world around OAuth. Instead of using an all-powerful tight binding credential between systems, you've got a whitelisted OAuth client. As far as the client knows, it's doing vanilla OAuth and the world is all as it should be. This is a very good (and somewhat novel) thing for enterprise systems.

But even in the TOFU scenario, it's important to let the user say "remember this decision in the future and don't bug me about it". In this case, the server remembers the authorization grant decision that was previously made by the resource owner and doesn't prompt the user. Most OpenID 2.0 setups do this already, and some OAuth setups do as well. I think Google does this, I know we're building it in to our projects, and I think we'll see more of this functionality going forward.

-- Justin

On 08/03/2012 03:07 AM, Jérôme LELEU wrote:

In the OAuth 2.0 spec, I don't see any mention of the "Allow / disallow" screen (just after the user is logged in). However, most of the OAuth providers I know (Facebook, Google, Twitter...) have such a "allow / disallow" screen.

Did I miss something in the spec ?

What are the security concerns about not having such "Allow / disallow" screen ?

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