Hi Barry,

I agree with you generally, but just on one point...

On 02/18/2013 05:38 AM, Barry Leiba wrote:
> That's why I say that as I see it, it's not an issue of MTI.  

I do think there is an issue related to MTI that's affecting
the discussion. Clearing up that issue won't by itself solve
the interop problem but is, I think, needed as a part of doing

The issue is that it seems to me that not everyone is clear
that MTI != MUST-use.

If some field with some syntax is MTI that means that everyone
writing code has to be able to handle that field properly.

It does not mean that everyone has to use that syntax.

But if everyone's code supports handling that syntax, then
we do enable better interoperability.

So as you address Barry's good point, please do not
conflate MTI with MUST-use since they are not the same.


PS: Just in case: MTI == "mandatory to implement"
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