> It seems like the scope of your criticism has more to do with RFC 6749 &
> RFC 6750 overall, than the assertions drafts themselves.

No, and I'm sorry if it came across that way.  I mentioned the token-type
issue only by way of background.  As it happens, I do think it was a
mistake to publish the oauth framework spec without a mechanism for
discovery/negotiation/communication of token types, but I'm not holding
that against this document at all.

> In OpenID Connect we implemented a discovery and registration layer for
> clients to discover what the Authorization server supports.

Great!  I think that each use of the protocol shouldn't have to roll this
on its own, but it's good that OIDC did it.

> To acceve real interoperability these things need to be profiled or you
> need a negotiation mechanism.

We do agree on that; cool.

> Are you saying that Assertions needs a low level mechanism to negotiate
> capabilities?
> Many will argue that specs at a higher level like like Dynamic Client
> Registration https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg/are 
> better places to address these capability negotiations because as you
> point out there is more to be negotiated than just assertions.

I would be happy to have it done that way, but then I think that needs to
happen first, and this needs to refer to that (normatively) as the (or a)
mechanism that helps this interoperate.

> It has been stated by one of the WG chairs that some of us are anti
> interoperability, so some of us may be a touch sensitive, around this, as
> it is not the case.

Yeh, we very much need to keep that kind of rhetoric and questioning of
motives out of the discussion.  You won't hear it from me, certainly.
 Quite the opposite: I'm quite confident that we all share the goal of
developing good specs from which interoperable implementations can be
built.  It's not a question of anti-anything, but of disagreement about how
to accomplish that.

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