The argument about confusing draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c-03 with the
OpenID Connect work is indeed something to be careful about. Maybe this
could be addressed by more precisely capturing the differences in a
section of the document.


On 06/05/2014 10:11 PM, John Bradley wrote:
> Looking at the latest draft  
> it is better.
> As far as I can see he deltas from Connect Basic profile are:
> 1 A new response_type "code_id_token"  (I think the similarity to the "code 
> id_token" response_type may cause some confusion but that can be sorted out.) 
> 2 a new request parameter "min_alv"  (I think min_alv="2" is isomorphic to 
> acr_values="4 3 2" so having 2 ways to make the same request may not be 
> ideal, but that can be debated.)
> In Connect we probably would have added a way to get id_token only from the 
> token endpoint but RFC6849 requires a access token be issued for a grant_type 
> of authorization_code.
> I think to be consistent with RFC6849 a new grant type needs to be defined.
> In previous discussions returning a access token with no scopes was 
> considered easier than trying to explain a OAuth flow with no access token. 
> This needs discussion.
> Other than that Mike has done a good job of reconciling a4c with Connect 
> Basic profile.
> This spec on it's own would not allow you to do any sort of scalable SSO, as 
> the trust model is unspecified other than trusting the JWT based on the TLS 
> cert of the token endpoint.
> I think there needs to be some validation of issuer if there is more than one 
> the client is dealing with. 
> It is Shorter than Connect basic because it leaves out interoperating with 
> multiple IdP and user attributes.
> I don't hate it, but don't know that it adds much, other than possible 
> confusion and future extensions that are incompatible with Connect.
> It is however better than it was.
> John B.
> On Jun 5, 2014, at 1:46 PM, Mike Jones <> wrote:
>> Hannes, the Access Token and ID Token do quite different things and have 
>> different structures and properties.  The Access Token is an opaque value 
>> that grants access to resources.  An ID Token is a non-opaque JWT security 
>> token that makes claims about the authentication that occurred.  You can 
>> have one without the other or you can have both, depending upon the use 
>> case.  Thus, trying to move information between them would be problematic in 
>> several regards.
>> Also, trying to overload the Access Token to convey authentication 
>> information has been demonstrated in practice to be fraught with peril, and 
>> has resulted in some of the most prominent security breaches related to the 
>> misuse of OAuth.
>>                              -- Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Phil Hunt
>> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 8:54 AM
>> To: Hannes Tschofenig
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Question regarding draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c
>> You are correct. Just adding to access token would make a lot of devs happy 
>> and that certainly should be discussed. 
>> Two requirements issues:
>> 1. A key use case is passing auth ctx only. An access token means asking for 
>> consent to access something. This causes many sites to loose new users. 
>> Authen only can be implicit consent. 
>> 2.  Compatibility with OpenId ID Token and flows. 
>> 3. There is a need to support re-auth and MFA/LOA negotiation. Eg web site 
>> would like to obtain a higher level of assurance for a higher risk action. 
>> The non-tech requirement is the soln must be received by client and service 
>> provider developers as easy to implement in addition to 6749 or even OAuth 
>> 1.1a. I mention it because devs feel this should be trivial.  Your 
>> suggestion of adding to access token certainly fits this. 
>> Phil
>>> On Jun 5, 2014, at 0:44, Hannes Tschofenig <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> thanks for producing this document write-up. I have a somewhat basic 
>>> question regarding the document.
>>> The id token contains the following mandatory information:
>>> - sis: issuer
>>> - sub: subject
>>> - aud: audience
>>> - iat: issued at
>>> - exp: expiry
>>> - auth_time: time when the end user was authenticated
>>> An access token (when encoded as a JWT) may contain all these fields 
>>> except the auth_time (since auth_time is not defined in the JWT spec).
>>> Given that your proposal actually does not define the authentication 
>>> protocol to be used between the resource owner/end user and the 
>>> authorisation server I am wondering whether it would be possible to 
>>> just add the auth_time parameter (and maybe some of the optional 
>>> parameters) to the access token. Then, you can skip the id token.
>>> How do I come up with that question? In Kerberos, for example, the 
>>> above-listed information is carried within a single container (within 
>>> the ticket) and so I am curious to hear why we have to send the 
>>> information twice in OAuth (once in the access token, when the info is 
>>> passed per value, and again via the id token).
>>> Maybe I missing something important here.
>>> Ciao
>>> Hannes
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