
I can not subscribe to an OIDC spec list, had some earlier questions not flowing to the list and given I'm not sure this question is irrelevant for this group (OIDC IDP is an OAuth2 server), I'm posting it here. If you'd like me to re-post to the OIDC list then let me know please...Sorry for a noise, just in case :-)

So, all the flows in OIDC Core have this section:


This is pure OAuth2 still.

What I do not understand, if the response_type is 'id_token' and the requested scope is 'openid' only,


then what is a consent screen really about ?

If the response_code is 'id_token' then a user has already given the implicit authorization after visiting a client application web page and clicking "Sign In With Google"/etc, and signing in into OIDC IDP. I thought this is what "openid" alone is all about.

Can someone clarify please if it is reasonable to skip challenging a user with a consent screen in this case.

Thanks, Sergey

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