Yes, I was thinking mostly of "native apps"... though you bring up a good point. It would be great if "installable" web apps could do dynamic client registration:) I suppose for a "public" client that is loaded onto a device, the "installation" process could obtain a new client_id for that instance. Cookies might work, or have the app generate a unique identifier and use that in conjunction with the client_id?


On 1/27/16 11:07 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 1:54 PM George Fletcher < <>> wrote:

    The difference might be whether you want to store the scope
    consent by client "instance" vs client_id application "class".

Correct me if I'm wrong but this only makes sense for "native apps", not for web apps, right? (of course, now with "installable web apps" –e.g. progressive web apps–, lines get blurry; any suggestion how you'd do it then? cookies?)

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