On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 11:18:21AM -0600, Brian Campbell wrote:
> Practically speaking there's the MTLS draft, which has been sent to the
> IESG for publication, has commercial and opensource implementations as well
> as production deployments, and is referenced by other prospective standards
> and profiles. It's not uncommon to receive off list inquires about the
> document status from people involved in those things asking when it will be
> "finished". Which is to say that there's a good amount of interest from the
> community at large in seeing the MTLS document go to RFC. And it's
> relatively close to doing so (as these things go anyway). The DPoP
> document, on the other hand, is currently an individual draft submission.
> And while it has generated some good interest and discussion, it is only an
> individual draft submission and carries the same authority as any other
> individual draft submission (see
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-abr-twitter-reply-00 for example). I
> believe that the MTLS draft should continue on the it's course. And am
> interested in seeing where we can take the DPoP work and if the WG wants to
> take it on.
> Your point about the "PR" perspective is taken. And I probably shouldn't
> even bring these up but that whole situation is exacerbated by the
> expired/dormant WG documents like draft-ietf-oauth-token-binding and
> draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request. Some organizations out there touting

I've forgotten the details of those two documents, but in the general case,
if there's a WG document that is no longer actively being worked on (or is
now believed to be a bad idea), the chairs can pretty easily get a new rev
posted that has a "tombstone" notice, like "this document is no longer
being worked on" or similar, which may help clarify the situation to
external parties without much investment on time or tooling.


> their support for RFC 7800 as a complete solution in the
> pop/sender-constrained space aren't helping matters either. So while I
> think I hear what you are saying, I don't personally see much of anything
> reasonable or actionable that can done about it.

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