> On May 7, 2019, at 8:12 AM, George Fletcher 
> <gffletch=40aol....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> To compromise an MTLS bound token the attacker has to compromise the private 
> key. To compromise a DPOP bound token, depending on what HTTP request 
> elements are signed, and whether the DPOP is managed as one-time-use etc, 
> there are additional attacks. (Ducks head and waits for all the real security 
> experts to prove me wrong:)

Both should wind up supporting either longer-term, issued keys or ephemeral 
keys - and either exportable or not.

Off the top of my head, if your application is compromised I can’t think of a 
difference in the kinds of abuse that could be performed with equivalent 
policies and key protections.

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