I generally agree with the proposal, but I would suggest to limit it to public 

In case of confidential clients, the refresh token is (via the client_id) 
already bound to the client’s secret(s) and those can be rotated. Additionally 
binding the refresh token to a DPoP key would limit it’s applicability w/o a 

> On 11. Jun 2020, at 01:35, Francis Pouatcha <f...@adorsys.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 4:32 PM Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:
> What if we simply declare that refresh tokens are always bound to the DPoP 
> key used to request them? Is there value in NOT binding the refresh token?
> Fully agree. I will add a refresh_token shall always be PoP bound. 
> Independent of the type of PoP.
> As for access tokens, the way I read it, all of this is true:
> - The AS could still decide to issue a Bearer token, using the token_type 
> field, for whatever policy reason.
> - A client getting back a Bearer token from a DPoP request would do Bearer 
> headers. 
> - A client getting a DPoP token from a DPoP request would do DPoP headers.
> - An client should never send a DPoP token as a Bearer header.
> - An RS should ALWAYS look for a DPoP binding signature from a DPoP scheme 
> token. Missing that is an error.
> So if we just declare that a refresh token must always be DPoP bound when 
> DPoP is used to request it and a refresh token is issued, then we’re in the 
> clear here, as best as I can tell, and it allows the AS some flexibility.
> Some problems with this:
> 1) Pretty much every single OAuth client in the world ignores the 
> “token_type” field. But clients being updated to support DPoP wouldn’t ignore 
> it, so that’s probably ok.
> 2) If we wanted to make refresh token binding switchable we’d need a 
> “refresh_token_type” field or similar, and the client would need to know how 
> to understand it and deal with its absence (since most servers won’t send it).
> 3) This presumes the client will not rotate its key before using the refresh 
> token. If it does it’ll have to do a whole new grant.
> 4) None of this prevents an RS from ignoring the DPoP signature, but I think 
> that’s a separate problem.
> 5) It’s arguable that we’d want a client to be able to bind a NEW DPoP key 
> during a refresh, using the old key as proof for the refresh token and the 
> new key going forward. Is this a case we want to enable?
> Key rotation shall be handled separately from the refresh_token process. If a 
> refresh_token is bound to a key, the client shall keep that key till the 
> refresh_token is consumed. A key rotation process shall be designed such as 
> to allow the key holder to keep obsolete keys for the completion of pending 
> processes.
>  — Justin
>> On Jun 7, 2020, at 3:22 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt 
>> <torsten=40lodderstedt....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>> That’s correct for confidential clients.
>> For a public client, the refresh token is just bound to the client id. DPoP 
>> allows binding to an ephemeral key pair for this kind of clients.
> -- 
> Francis Pouatcha
> Co-Founder and Technical Lead at adorys
> https://adorsys-platform.de/solutions/

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