On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 10:18 AM Nov Matake <mat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> private_key_jwt and mTLS can be sender PoP method for code too.
Yes,correct thanks for pointing this out: So we have
code :
  -> sender : Client
  -> consumer : AS
  -> sender PoP :
       --> confidential client: [code_verifier (PKCE)  AND [
private_key_jwt XOR mTLS ] ]
       --> public client:  code_verifier (PKCE) AND ?

refresh_token :
  -> sender : Client
  -> consumer : AS
  -> sender PoP :
       --> confidential client: private_key_jwt, mTLS
       --> public client:  DPoP AND ?

access_token :
  -> presenter : Client
  -> consumer : RS
  -> sender PoP :
       --> confidential client: private_key_jwt, mTLS
       --> public client:  DPoP AND ?

@Daniel Fett <f...@danielfett.de>  I still have some question marks in
here. Am I missing anything?
Francis Pouatcha
Co-Founder and Technical Lead at adorys
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