Am 11.06.20 um 23:17 schrieb Brian Campbell:
> Also to help facilitate mixed or rollout deployments, I'm not sure
> about "An client should never send a DPoP [bound access] token as a
> Bearer header."  Such a constraint could be put on the client but it
> seems unhelpful. A bad acting client could easily ignore it and I'm
> not sure what it accomplishes if/when followed. Following from
> the draft needs to
> be updated to say explicitly that an RS supporting both Bearer and
> DPoP schemes simultaneously needs to update its Bearer token
> evaluation functionality so as to reject tokens that are dpop bound.
> But the draft can't really impose anything on existing RSs supporting
> only Bearer (and unaware of DPoP). And such RSs will most likely
> accept a DPoP bound AT when send via the Bearer scheme (JWT says to
> ignore unrecognized claims, introspection says other parameters might
> be present, and 6750 is basically silent on the content of the AT,
> which is where the binding is carried). This admittedly doesn't seem
> quite right. But there's nothing this draft can realistically do about
> it. And I think it can help with mixed or rollout deployments.
> Especially those where sufficient information about what RS(s) the
> requested token is for are not available in the token request for
> whatever reason. Currently the draft is silent about it and maybe
> that's as it should be. But I'm suggesting in a few messages on this
> thread that the definition of the DPoP token_type would prescribe
> sending the access token with the DPoP authorization scheme in
> conjunction with the DPoP header but also say that, if that was met
> with a 401 WWW-Authenticate: Bearer challenge by a particular RS (or
> the client had prior such knowledge about the RS), that the access
> token could be sent using the Bearer authorization scheme.
I would support that.
> It is correct that, as currently written in the draft, a public client
> with a DPoP bound refresh token will have to use the same key for the
> lifetime of the grant. That seemed like a good tradeoff vs. defining a
> mechanism for key rotation for the public client refresh token case
> where two proofs (one to verify the binding for the RT being sent and
> one to newly bind the RT to) would be presented on refresh grant type
> request. I tend to think where it is now hits the right balance in
> functionality and complexity. But if there are strong beliefs
> otherwise, let's discuss the need and cost/benefit and all that.

Absolutely agree. We would create a lot of complexity for very little gain.



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