I've had to start my commute from the Kanata Park & Ride since a construction 
crew scooped my parking spot at the Corkstown Pool - its just great going in but I'm 
somewhat leery about coming back on Corkstown at sunset. 
        The worst part of the trip is getting across  417 - the access from Corkstown 
onto the Eagleson Expressway is hardly bike friendly even though there's a bike lane 
on the latter. I know I could opt for the Trim Road alternative, but I find the gravel 
paths of the TCT are a litlle too liberally spread with the loose stuff for cornering 
at speed (and there are lots of corners !).
        All that being said, cycle commuting sure beats the alternative !

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Troup [mailto:hwt@;igs.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:57 AM
Subject: [obc] Who's still commuting?

Although cold, the weather is decent, and the conditions can be very 
pretty.  Tuesday, I had a nice ride from Bell's Corners to Kanata, on 
pathways, with a lovely light carpet of fallen leaves.  It was so nice, 
I thought of "calling in well" and keeping going.  But I didn't.

Tomorrow - Friday - looks reasonable, and Monday is a maybe.  The 
Weather Network 
http://www.theweathernetwork.com/cities/can/Ottawa_ON.htm predicts white 
stuff Tuesday, however.

Another useful weather URL is the Franktown radar station: 

Henry Troup,
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