*ada berbagai radar yang biasa dijadikan acuan untuk mendeteksi adanya pesawat 
musuh. ada radar market cap, ada radar lq45 untuk likuiditas, ada radar low 
p/e, ada radar high div yield, ada pecah order ratusan kali dll. Ada pesawat 
yang diciptakan untuk masuk radar lq45 lagi, atau menjadi radar big cap lagi 
dengan cara create volume dan angkat keatas, sayangnya banyak yang begitu masuk 
radar trus ditembak eh pesawatnya ngilang lagi, jadi habis deh pelurunya :), 
jadi tetap aja full awareness kayak pa hmin, seperti di red cliff 2 salah 
menembak ribuan panah harus diganti ama kepala komandan yang nyuruhnya*

Re: It's me again..  
Posted by:      "jhon_veter" jhon_ve...@yahoo.com.sg    jhon_veter  
Fri Feb 6, 2009 9:02 pm        (PST) 
Dear Elaine,

Truthfully I have no heart feeling about all, this just a business 
and not personal matter. 

2009 from my point of view is year of Opportunity, we can START 
anything we want this year. From starting business, investment, live, 
work, and others (you name it). Why? because we can have cheap 
Investment Capital together with highest yield, the two reasons we 
need to start anything. Beside that we will see the reduce of 
competition in business because of natural selection (specially from 
debt management).

I give stock recomendation to my clients with all of that reasons. My 
concern is simple, find the survivor company in difficult time. It 
means we search copany with strong balace sheet, small debt, always 
give deviden, big player in domestic market, with big capitalization. 
So simple.

Now is your turn, What is your concern in this time?




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