how many? you tell me because i don't know for sure.

If they all act together?
by who's command ?
by ONE PERSON command ?
hehehe ... i dont think so

they all act together (in that day) because regional and global index UP after falling red before.
no need someone's command to buy back the shares they sold in previous day.

hehehe ...
please, don't BOAST ....

may be some players here are BIG ...
but they are not that HUGE ...


Eddy S. Purnomo wrote:

And do you know how many person like Mr. FS in BEJ; ten, twenty, one hundred, two hundred...? How many do you think? Not to mentioned BAKAL & Institutions Player. So, can you imagine if they all act together at the same time, what is it gonna be... ? ? ;-) ha..ha...ha. ... Cheers.

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