Keep it cool guys !  I know Mr. FS doesn't boast, I know his capacity. Please 
don't get offended Mr. FS.

The message behind my posting was; For some who have the capacity and for those 
who have large fund, they can drive the market or stocks, to which ever 
direction they wanted (Market Maker, Bandar, Fund Manager, whatever you like to 
call it). So, they pre-draw the Technical Chart before everyone else does (the 
technical analysts). The technicalist ( I myself a technical believer ) draw 
the chart after the market is closed using end of day datas. Technical Analysis 
draw after what have happened, while these market-maker can determine or decide 
how the Chart should be drawn and how they wanted the chart to look like. These 
can only happened in "Unefficient Market". 

Or may be I am wrong.

Let's end it here.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Frederick Schubert 
  Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [obrolan-bandar] Bear Season ?!?

  come on guys.....
  i never boasted saying that i poured billion of my dollar investment fund in 
Indonesia....please take a look back at my previous statements.....AND  i have 
to says Mr. Vibby and I don't have any personal problem at all.... we just test 
our short term theory...and some times theory can cheat us....that's it.... 
everyone here is very good analyst....some have fund to back up their theory 
some don't...and please don't misread the above, too....
  so, please knock it off....... 

  boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    how many? you tell me because i don't know for sure.

    If they all act together? 
    by who's command ?
    by ONE PERSON command ?
    hehehe ... i dont think so

    they all act together (in that day) because regional and global index UP 
after falling red before.
    no need someone's command to buy back the shares they sold in previous day.

    hehehe ...
    please, don't BOAST ....

    may be some players here are BIG ...
    but they are not that HUGE ...


    Eddy S. Purnomo wrote: 
      And do you know how many person like Mr. FS in BEJ; ten, twenty, one 
hundred, two hundred...? How many do you think? Not to mentioned BAKAL & 
Institutions Player. So, can you imagine if they all act together at the same 
time, what is it gonna be... ? ?  ;-)  ha..ha...ha. ... 


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