dear  mr. schubert,

i'm sorry for my last postings.
i didn't mean to offend or show disrespect manner.

i took you wrong judgement, for that please forgive me. hehehe ...

i know you often shared good information to this mailing list. i respect you for that.
please keep sharing "bluechip information".

and let's end this.


Frederick Schubert wrote:
come on guys.....
i never boasted saying that i poured billion of my dollar investment fund in Indonesia... .please take a look back at my previous statements.. ...AND i have to says Mr. Vibby and I don't have any personal problem at all.... we just test our short term theory...and some times theory can cheat us....that's it.... everyone here is very good analyst....some have fund to back up their theory some don't...and please don't misread the above, too....
so, please knock it off.......

*/boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    how many? you tell me because i don't know for sure.

    If they all act together?
    by who's command ?
    by ONE PERSON command ?
    hehehe ... i dont think so

    they all act together (in that day) because regional and global
    index UP after falling red before.
    no need someone's command to buy back the shares they sold in
    previous day.

    hehehe ...
    please, don't BOAST ....

    may be some players here are BIG ...
    but they are not that HUGE ...


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