
Elaine Sui wrote:
> /Ehh, only one liner review for Bukit Asam? you know bukit asam is way 
> *below *their fair value.. hee don't play hide and seek with me.
> *
> Elaine*/*
> *
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana 
> <disclosure....@gmail.com <mailto:disclosure....@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Having Declared They Got a 19 % IRR is not that bad El, Ultimately
>     when 12 % of it is already secured and Were Guaranteed by the
>     rights to hold Account Receivables too.
>     Why BUMI? Simple El.., The Price Level They Went Down Last Year,
>     who didnt scoop them?!. i was avg down mine back then. that made
>     my holding a bit bigger than it should be (damn i admit it, i
>     didnt get out when it was 8000 and i do have some initial position
>     at 2800 ish before the lehman incident, so it would be quite clear
>     i re-shape my position at some much bargain level)
>     Why do i keep on flirt BUMI despite its "Smart" Management?
>     another simple one Missy, we all know that well too..
>     KPC! Indonesia Natives Gotta Have Some Chunks on that
>     crownasset... Dang KPC is a really good one. a really good one...
>     besides i dont just pick BUMI, I Have the chunk Of all Indonesia's
>     Coal Proxy, with diffrent concentrated proportion of course...
>     Its Not Easy To Double Production Level When Ure Producing At 50
>     Mn/Tonne Level.
>     So Far Only BUMI and ADARO sitting at those level.
>     Adaro Is An Exact Opposing Stories of BUMI, Come Up With Lousy
>     Balance on IPO, They Gradually Improved the Lousy-Mezzanine-Build
>     Balance sheet to a more and more healthy one. Proceeds Of IPO
>     (Which Held at Fairly Good Price) was mainly used for Buying The
>     Stake Of the Minority shares which were before punching their
>     Earning After taxes (though they too bought it at exact expensive
>     price as high as the IPO price). nonetheless no destruction on
>     shareholders value. the remains Internal Cash was demonstrated to
>     be used all for Coal-related decision. that provide some good
>     marks for the management.
>     negative thing is its likely already reflected on the price. Full
>     Value Level has been reached. but the upside is there though, for
>     longer-period player, given the assuring action of the
>     shareholders. they dont do reckless non-coal acquisition. that
>     made the difference, the whole difference...
>     PTBA has Best Asset, They were A sure winner.
>     Infinite Period Of Contract with Infinite Amount Resources. Not
>     Yet Materialized. But Time Is Our Friend With This One
>     Problem is their execution is naturally lame and slowed. well what
>     can we say?, they were SOE. Time and commitment as a long-term
>     holder is always on the mental note when we were entering this one.
>     ITMG is very Good on Free CashFlow Wise. Its Balance were mostly
>     On Hard Assets, problem is limited amount of current Reserves.
>     10-11 Year Span at best now.
>     INDY? Not A Pure Play on Coal, I have to see more on KIDECO. but
>     its quite prident with cash management. so its a neutral one. i
>     didnt enter these one though. under review and Yet to be tuned
>     later on.
>     Thanks For Ur Toughts Missy... U always bring a good point of view...
>     On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Elaine Sui
>     <elainesu...@gmail.com <mailto:elainesu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         /I'm worried about CIC. They're just rich big fat sitting
>         duck. You can create a good looking proposal, walk to their
>         office, tell them you have a good investment opportunity,
>         bring them to dinner at expensive restaurant. Soon they will
>         pour you with munnnyyy.
>         There's always be the magic words 'debt restruct' and that
>         often happens on Bakrie Group. I didn't say CIC is not smart,
>         I'm just saying that Bumi mgt is waay smarter (in a sarcastic
>         way), and CIC is too big to watch over this 'naughty boy'..
>         I wonder, why did you pick BUMI?
>         *Elaine*
>         /
>         On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:24 PM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham
>         <disclosure....@gmail.com <mailto:disclosure....@gmail.com>>
>         wrote:
>             To The Extreme, Yes Missy, I am deeply worried, hence my
>             deep concern (C'mon I Hold Some Pile Of BUMI too in My
>             Portfolio, i dont like to cash-in at this level and unload
>             it now but if the shareholder value is furtherly ruined by
>             bad cash management, sure miss, i'll jump the boat and
>             bundle the gain. safety first, that is what i was ordered
>             to ensure...)
>             Current CashFlow Figure Is Already Bleak Enough Even
>             without extra 250Mn P/A Cash Coupon Payment. U know what i
>             was talkin... All that worth for equity holders is
>             freecashflow...
>             Things would be Okay If the 1.9 Bio is properly
>             directed.(Uhm Can U Whisper Their Ears to do so ^_^...)
>             What do u say about BUMI's Management Effectiveness Missy?
>             Care Sharing Us Your PERSONAL Tought of them?
>             Greatly Appreciated... Thanks Before...
>             --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
>             <mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>, Elaine Sui
>             <elainesu...@...> wrote:
>             >
>             > *Ehhhh.. did you say JUMP OUT? you're worried about the
>             management
>             > effectiveness, are you?
>             >
>             > Elaine**
>             > *


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