i am a newbie pak abdul.

the fuel/wood is what i feel right now.
this market have to provide a profit on and on to a traders/investors,
fee to broker. where it came from ?
the source is definitely a loss from other traders/investors.

a big possibly losers is one who unprepared with tools and knowledge
like a newbies.
join in this OB will lessen chance of loss, i hope.


On Nov 23, 2007 2:54 PM, abdulrahim abdulrahim
> On Nov 23, 2007 8:11 AM, gdbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > How engine can keep on running ?, it need fuel to be pumped into
> > ignation chamber.
> > and how to warm a cooled air in winter?, wood need to be thrown to fire.
> >
> > This is winter and engine is running out of gas. newbies bring a new
> > hope to a stock market.
> Maksudnya newbie mau dijadiin kayu bakar? tumbal? hihihi. Cian deh
> kite yang nuwbie

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