pak boyz, ada yg nawarin spa bareng tuh..

-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 6 January 2008 7:42 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] PIG Concept....Re: BEI Ngelawan Arus DOW 

 > Fisik/Materi...Rumors/Target........NOISE
> Intelektual.....Data/Teknikal/Fundamental......DATA
> Art/Seni.......Keindahan Kombinasi DATA dan INTUISI......INFORMASI
> Moral.........Knowledge...HIDDEN Knowladge = HUKUM ALAM...KNOWLEDGE
> Spiritual......Wisdom=Message from GOD...........WISDOM

All of above is about finding the TRUTH.

How hard is it to create truth? I found the list above was written *upside

1 First you MUST get along with *God*.
2 If you know God and His will, you will have *high morality*. Your mental
is healthy. You know what you wish is inside God's will.
3 High morality creates better things in life, beauty, art, imagination and
4 Cretive and artful mind will create productivity, proven by good *statistics
*and data
5 Good past is the base of better future. That's the prayer, the hope, the *

Now ask to yourself, why does it start from God?

Don't complain too much. You complain about the F word, not the message
inside. You complain about the "nude", "distraction", "nuke". You complain
to bandar. You blame to the Fed. you condemn analyst research.

You blame everything except yourself. That's arrogantly wrong.

It's a common thing than men don't take advice from women. They thought
they're far superior in terms of knowledge and wisdom.

*Just a little message from me. Now I think a moment in our spa with my
sister would be good. :) we love sponge bath. hihi.. I'd like to see how
many will reply on THIS matter... hahaha...*

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