UNSP Growthnya lebih kenceng, tp bussiness en financial risknya lebih
besar dr LSIP dan AALI.

utk kalkulasinya :

3-5 year Growth Rate : 30%
Dividen Yield        : 2%

Bussiness Risk : 1.00
Financial Risk : 1.10
Earning Visibility : 1.00

kalkulasi :

Basic PE

6.6 + (10.6 + 5) + 2

= 24.2

Adjustment : 24.2 * 0.9 = 21.78

E 2009 Forecast : Rp 140

Present Value of 2009 Earning using Discount Factor Of 15% = Rp 122

Target Price = Rp 2657

berarti UNSP ratingnya skrg baru FullyValued saja alias HOLD (kalo yg
rada konservatif sih jadi Reduce).  

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Irawan Sudarman"
> kalau UNSP bagaimana, kang Ocoy ?
> On Jan 10, 2008 7:54 AM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham <
> >   Pake Model yg sama yah coba kita input deh (model absolut PE ini
> > sengaja saya bagi disini soalnya relatif simpel tp lebih powerful dr
> > PER Model / PEG Model biasa., Model ini digunakan oleh komunitas value
> > investing di luar sana. Brokerage lokal sepengetahuan saya biasanya
> > masih pake simpel PEG dan PER to Peers buat valuasinya, tp absolut PE
> > ini lebih flawless krn rating PE disini mostly tergantung kekuatan
> > fundamentalnya, bukan dr nilai rating historikal / relatif ke
> > peers(PER Model biasa kan gitu). sementara kelemahan PEG Model biasa
> > adalah dia cenderung linear padahal gara2 yg linear itu relasi antara
> > nilai fundamental dan valuasi ratingnya jadi ngaco krn terdistorsi
> > hanya oleh growthnya)
> >
> > Basic PE calculation :
> >
> > LSIP Data
> >
> > Long Term Growth Rate : 18% (3-5 years)
> >
> > Dividen Yield : 1 - 2%
> >
> > Bussiness Risk : 0.90 (kualitas baik, pembibitan baik, pengalaman
> > cukup, hanya dengan dikuasai oleh INDF kayanya EPS Growth dy bisa
> > tidak terlalu leverage krn INDF kalo mo ambil sawit dr LSIP pasti
> > harga diskon lahhh, hehe..)
> >
> > Financial Risk : 1.10 (a not too impressive financial strength)
> >
> > Earning Visibility : 0.95 (ada stand by buyer (indf group), salah satu
> > pemain termapan di industri ini.
> >
> > Calculation
> >
> > Basic PE : 6.6 + 9.54 + 2
> > = 18.14
> >
> >
> > 18.14 * 1.1 * 0.9 * 1.05 = 18.9
> >
> > Earning 2008 E = Rp 500
> >
> > Fully Valued Price : Rp 9450
> >
> > err,... LSIP is a bit overvalued kayaknya...
> >
> > harga ini mungkin harga buat end 2008, krn kalo pake Forward E 2009 -
> > 2010 baru kira2 level harga ini justified.
> >
> > tp mungkin saya agak sedikit terlalu konservatif.
> >
> > bapak bisa buat adjustmentnya sendiri sesuai estimasi dan analisa
> >
> > berdasarkan model yg sama AALI masih lebih ada potential upsidenya
> > dibanding LSIP, (valuation-wise)
> >
> >
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > Rei <highwaystar91@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Kang Ocoy,
> > >
> > > Kalo Lsip gimana? Dibanding dgn Aali? Trims!!!
> > >
> > > Salam,
> > >
> > > kang_ocoy_maen_saham <kang_ocoy_maen_saham@> wrote:
> > > -Analyst Mode On-
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I Myself personally dont think the plantation were overvalued yet...
> > Fully Valued Yes but Overvalued is yet to reach...
> > >
> > > I have this little method i usually use that might not be strong
> > compares to the DCF and asset analysis but it comes very handy when
> > all i need is quick screening. (but its stonger than simple PE and PEG
> > Model, after im screening the basic with these model than i moved on
> > to the DCF or Asset-Based Analysis)
> > >
> > > here is my simple computation :
> > >
> > > The normal characteristic of our equity market is (under no extra
> > bullish condition like last year) :
> > >
> > > EPS Growth of 10%, Dividen Yield of 4.4%
> > >
> > > normal required rate of return of our market were 14%
> > >
> > > and the rule of thumb of "fair-valued" market PE is 16.
> > >
> > > the simple function then Would BE :
> > >
> > > 16 = zero growth PE + ((firm's eps growth * growth rate appreciation
> > multiple) + (firm's dividen yield * dividen yield multiple ))
> > >
> > >
> > > zero growth PE of indonesian market = 6.66 (representing a 15%
> > Required rate of return)
> > >
> > > the dividen yield multiple is 1 PE rating add for every 1% dividen
> > yield (linear)
> > >
> > > the growth appreciation multiple is 0.53 PE Rating add for every 1%
> > growth rate
> > >
> > >
> > > for every 1% EPS Growth there is a function of PE rating
> > appreciation by 0.53 Point, the appreciation rating point of 0.53
> > only apply up until the long term EPS Growth Rate of 20%, starting
> > from Growth rate of 21% the rating add point decrease to 0.40 Point
> > since higher growth also means higher risks and higher
> > >
> > > this is an example of why AALI is still not expensive at this
level :
> > >
> > > AALI'S Long Term Growth Rate :
> > >
> > > Historical 3 year growth rate = 40.03
> > > Forward Long Term Growth Rate Estimated = 25% (conservative)
> > > Dividen Yield = 5.5%
> > >
> > >
> > > AALI'S Basic PE Rating =
> > >
> > > 6.66 + (( 20 * 0.53) + (5*0.40)) + 5.5
> > >
> > > = 24.76
> > >
> > > AALI's Basic PE Rating is 24.76
> > >
> > > there is adjustment based on every company's unique characteristic
> > that can trim or leverage the basic PE.
> > >
> > > the formula :
> > >
> > > the fair value P/E Formula = Basic PE * (1+(1-Bussiness
> > Risk))*(1+(1-Financial Risk))*(1+(1-earnings visibility))
> > >
> > >
> > > -the average player on the industry would have the Basic PE
> > adjusting factor equal to 1 in all 3 factors (bussiness risk,
> > financial risk, earnings visibility). the more well managed the
> > company than the risk factor is less(<1). and the more risky the
> > company than the industry than the risk factor is more (>1)
> > >
> > > but however good the company characteristic compare to peers, we
> > limit the adjustment up to only + 20% of its basic PE. why??, it puts
> > a limit so that we keep being objective and not "fall in love" with
> > the stock.
> > >
> > > there is a ceiling to the upper adjustment but if the company were
> > bad we'll put no floor or limit to the downside adjustment...
> > >
> > > the adjustment regarding AALI'S Bussiness risk, financial risk and
> > earnings visibility goes like this :
> > >
> > >
> > > AALI's Bussiness Risk = AALI'S Plant's is mature and large area
> > covering. relatively more stable in its production than its
> > competitor. it is the most experienced player on the industry.
> > >
> > > AALI's Bussiness Risk = 0.90
> > >
> > >
> > > AALI'S Financial Risk = Debt is very little, financial strength is
> > very impressive, the profit margin is fat
> > >
> > > AALI's Financial Risk = 0.85
> > >
> > > AALI'S Earning Visibility = CPO demand is likely to be strong even
> > in the days to come, it used for foods (non transfat), increasing
> > demand for biodiesel etc. AALI's cashflow were stable and solid so the
> > visibilty of the projection is nice and bulletproof.
> > >
> > > AALI's Ea rning visibility = 1.00
> > >
> > >
> > > the adjustment :
> > >
> > > Fair Value Rating : 24.76 * 1.1 * 1.15 * 1 = 31.31
> > >
> > > PE Rating AALI = 31.31
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Using today price and its TTM EPS, the current ttm per rating of
> > AALI is 32.23
> > >
> > > that will make AALI Rating only "Fully Valued" ,
> > >
> > > but hey, were not using TTM's Earning arent we??
> > >
> > >
> > > using 2008's earning inflation adjusted, AALI's PE rating would be
> > just around 23
> > >
> > > that give us quite a room for the price to keep expanding before it
> > goes "overvalued"
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > it is fullyvalued now but the forward value still give a quite room
> > for the appreciation
> > >
> > > AALI's 12 month target = around 40000
> > >
> > > recommendation = Add
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *ceritanya lagi nebak jalan pikiran analis2 di sell-side heheheh,
> > kalo saya di buy-side sih yah kasih margin of safety lah dari nilai
> > target, belon mo lepas tp ga beli jg (udah dibawah)*
> > >
> > > hahahaha
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > "tbumi" <tbumi@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In
> > "abdulrahim abdulrahim"
> > > > abdul.rahman.rahim@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 5 hari ini CPO rata2 udah pada pernah > 10%. Ada yang tiap hari.
> > > > Yang
> > > > > lainnya gantian.
> > > > >
> > > > > KECUALI TBLA...
> > > > >
> > > > > Kali ini apa nona TBLA masih bikin jengkel penggemarnya,
atau nanti
> > > > > akan dapat giliran untuk naik > 10% juga???
> > > > >
> > > > > On Jan 9, 2008 4:14 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Pesta CPO masih lanjut nih...aali lsip naik kenceng! Wah
> > > > > > Enaknya nonton doang nih.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ps: No F word :)
> > > >
> > > > > SIP : TBUMI
> > > >
> > > > Saham saham CPO sdh kemahalan, hati hati saja karena nanti
> > > > ada koreksi yg dalam.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!
> > Search.
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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