*I never suggest anyone to buy or sell anything. I was just expressing my
own opinion, just like what everyone are doing here. I apologized and
promised not to use the F word anymore.

Please, If you don't agree with my opinion, then don't listen to me. It's
that simple. In fact, I even SHARED my plan, which is TO BUY CPO stocks, and
AVOID defensive stocks like TLKM, PGAS, and others.  I'm not a trader nor
investor, but I buy and sell stocks. That's a riddle :)

Well, I'm sorry if you didn't get my message. You can call me anything you
want, if that makes you feel better.


2008/1/14 abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Asik asik... plok plok
> Setuju pak Arnold. Asik neh. Seru. Pak Boyz yang biasanya ngebanyol,
> masa gak tahan kelitikan Elaine, pak Boyz?
> Nurut gue sih seru...
> pak Rajauang, ngapain pake keluar segala. Justru yang kayak gini yang
> asik nih. Well, agak berlebihan dikit sih. Si Elaine kan udah komit
> gak pake F words and the gang lagi tuh. Nah tinggal saling ngejeknya
> yang masih belum ilang. Tapi gapapa koq saling ngejek dikit, biar yang
> panas diejek keluar ilmunya gitu lhoooo. Kite kite tinggal mungutin
> aja. Hehehe
> Just like a nuke to our beloved stock market. When there is a nuke
> coming, just prepare yourself to pick as much as you can. Kalo ada
> yang lagi berantem (adu argumen), maka siap2lah mungutin ilmu
> sebanyak2nya. Sebenarnya hal seperti ini terjadi di milis yang banyak
> EGO berkeliaran.
> Ayo dong terusin
> Yang belum turun gunung, boleh deh ngintip buat ngetes kesaktian.
> Buat yang gak tahan ejekan. Ini nih rahasia tebal muka gue:
> Gue sih cuek abis, gue mau dibilang no brainer sekalipun, misalnya.
> Yang penting tujuan gue tercapai, dan yang penting gue gak bener2 no
> brainer koq...
> On Jan 14, 2008 5:09 PM, arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <arsu2%40yahoo.com>>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > menurut saya biarin aja lah pak EL mau ngomong apa
> >
> > sebagai member milis hak nya sama dengan yang lain.. asal tidak
> > menghina member yg lain / melangar etika kesopanan
> >
> > kalau kata embah kan tujuan milsi utk menampung provokasi juga.. seru
> > liat nya
> >
> > kalau nga tahan spt kata pepatah: "if you can stand the heat, get out
> > of the kitchen' :)
> >
> > salam
> > mrA
> >
> >
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com <obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>,
> Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > C7 Pak Boyz! Si Elaine ini mah 100% B/S lah...kita ini goblok apa?
> > Cuma ada nubie2 yg percaya ama dia, kasihan aja. Mau ngeles cuma
> > karangannya kurang cohesive. Elaine...elaine...
> > >
> > > boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: duh ngomongin apaan sih ?
> >
> > > (sebenernya gak pingin comment, useless, tapi gatel juga ...)
> > >
> > > so what do you mean by that ?
> > > do you state your self that you are "a Big Player" and it was you
> > that made RALLY on CPO stocks?
> > > LOL ... (asli dah ngakak)
> > >
> > > Do you realize what NUKE is? It's an explosion. CPO did explode.
> > Big time. Well, I could just tell you to buy this and that, but
> > that's no fun at all. Be creative a bit, will ya...oh yes, you have
> > mentioned on your previous posting about NUKE on CPO sector.
> > > now, Do you claimed that your previous postings were indicating
> > that the CPO will Explode in positive mean?
> > >
> > > Well, read your previous postings again, carefully :

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