Marc Faber (Dr. Doom):
"we started in the US to cut interest rates very aggresively on September 17, 
and we cut the Fed fund rate from 5.25% to 3%. And what is the resukt? I tell 
you what the result is. The stock market since September 17 by the S&P is down 
10%. The US dollar is down 10%. Gold and oil are up 40%. Well done, Mr. 

Marc Faber Interview with bloomberg March 5, 208

-----Original Message-----
From: SSTrader-03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 07 March, 2008 11:03
To: <>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] DJI Terjun bebas lagi... , -214.60

saya pribadi walau bukan orang yang ngerti ekonomi .... agak2 ngeri kalau
the FED motong bunga lagi

Oil + Comodity bakalan nglunjak central di negara lain dah
emoh motong suku bunga lagi, Autralia + Eropa contohnya

BI juga loh ....

so kalie ini om bernake cukup pening .....inflasi  atau pelambatan

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