ikutan sharing juga ya,
saya JOMBLO udah hampir kepala 3 tapi sampai sekarang belum dapat cewe, dulu
pernah pacaran tapi gak direstui ORTU, mana udah dikejar-kejar suruh kawin
(eh nikah maksudnya), sama keluarga, gimana ya?
Berangkat pagi-pagi, pulang petang, penghasilan pas-pasan siapa yang mo sama


2008/4/2 ericknovianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   ikutan sharing ya...
> saya juga newbie, ikutan nimbrung
> kan katanya sekarang saham komoditi lagi di turunin, maksudnya biar
> pengusaha pada napas lega dan perekonomian jalan lagi.
> jadi itu mengapa beberapa ari ini indeks merah sendiri. katanya seh
> gara2 margin call, sy juga nga jelas apaan itu sebenernya.
> yang pasti bener kata para tetua2 yang lain, harga saham komoditi
> udah ketinggian, makanya nyemplung semua. setelah semua ditarik turun
> pada harga normal, mulai deh naik harga2 saham yang basis
> fundamentalnya kuat. gitu.
> once again just sharing....
> thanks.
> for elaine, cool abis dah.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com <obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>,
> Eka Suwandana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Tahukah anda mba EL saya selama Januari-Feb kerjaan CUT LOSS mlulu!
> Sampai keluar total awal Februari sisain cuma 6 lot MEDC sedikit
> INCO. Sekarang walaupun TBLA favorite saya dulu , dan sudah keluarkan
> result 2007 diatas expektasi 97M (yg artinya tahun ini bisa 150-
> 160M)...udah malaas beli.
> > Dari awal tahun sampai sekarang ada perasaan nggak enak mulai
> dari APBN negeri ini yg defisit, inflasi kasat mata tinggi. Perasaan
> macam Tora Sudiro liat Aming muncul di Extravaganza........."feeling
> nggak enak deh!"
> > So 2 bulan terakhir ini saya fokus di US (lumayan saya portofolio
> separuh ditaruh di IMAX liat newsnya!), di Indonesia sepertinya SBY
> bakal mengulang kesalahan sama seperti 2005. Rupiah nggak
> ngangkat...sebulan lalu lalu saya beli Malaysian Ringgit buat nonton
> GP F1, 1MYR masih kisaran 2700, ketika balik saya tukar kurs beli
> sudah 2900 kurs jual 3000. Sementara regional money naik kita melemah
> terus! Selama di KL saya baca "The SUN" disana pun minyak goreng
> murah dan gula hilang di pasar, problem yg sama dgn kita.....CUMA
> disana Ringgit menguat!
> >
> > Minggu lalu saudara saya yg bisnis oplos BBM, gudang BBMnya
> digerebek di bandung saya bersyukur mungkin SMS ke SBY di
> dengar.....But I hope the mastermind people who back the business can
> be caught!
> >
>  > Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Banyak member baru di OB, Embah? Elaine mau share reason
> Elaine ada di OB, maybe some of you didn't follow the story from the
> beginning. Ini hanya share bukan mau sombong atau apa, jadi jangan
> marah dulu.
> >
> > Jadi ini awalnya..
> >
> > IDX was trying to recover after January Crash, as BUMI reached its
> all time high at 8000 something. Most analysts "upgrade" their target
> for most commodity stocks and everybody were happy at that time. Then
> a long-time-no-see senior, Fred Schubert, showed up and giving
> "hopes" that some big funds would try to jack up share prices and
> bring IDX to 3000 (in March!)
> >
> > Since many traders got severely beaten up by the January Crash, his
> appearance in OB was refreshing and filling their hopes.
> > http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/message/63115
> >
> > Someone asked about his stock picks (market drivers). Well this is
> where it all got started. Fred started to give "targets" and people
> were buoyed with them. A good friend of mine forwarded his email to
> me, asking for comment. I said this is not right. I felt urged to
> come back, because I knew they were all misleading.
> >
> > Most commodities were in their peaks and BUMI (and other miners) is
> too overweighted in IDX, anytime it has trouble it will surely DRAG
> the entire market (as Embah said too)
> > http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/message/63151
> >
> > I came back, nicely, with a smile too. I politely (well.. kinda ^^)
> asked him to reverse all his statements, cuz I know he's a well
> respected member of OB. Then the chaos begin.
> > http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/message/63240
> >
> > Lihat sendiri saja. ^^ Siapa berani "hajar" Fred Schubert, kalau
> bukan Elaine..hihi.. NOT as a person, tapi subject messagenya. Tentu
> Elaine mengerti pasti fans Fred akan marah dan caci maki Elaine, tapi
> tidak apa. Elaine mengerti sekali kondisi saat itu. Lots of traders
> suffered huge loss in January and then I came and ruined their hope.
> Tapi Elaine pikir akan lebih depressed sekarang jika Elaine tidak
> muncul di OB, malah bisa commit suicide kalau pakai leveraged margin.
> >
> > Ada tanya kenapa Elaine tidak kasih analisa detail. Well, karena
> informasi Elaine punya sifat un-official, atau insider. Seperti FR
> BUMI, kalau Elaine describe detailed sebelum official release, akan
> jadi masalah hukum dan Embah nanti yang masalah dengan authority.
> Seperti Oentoeng juga pasti mengerti hal ini. Jadi dari awal cuma
> bisa bilang "The earth shatters". This may sound arrogant, but we
> usually get information before it's available to public. I've
> described what and how I work, I guess I don't have to explain it
> again, after all it will make you miss the whole point.
> >
> > Kalau ada tanya kenapa Elaine repot kasih warning? Let's just say
> I'm helping a friend (and some other reason). Elaine mengerti banyak
> yang curiga sama Elaine dan Elaine terima perbedaan opini selama
> tidak serang as person. Justru Elaine curiga Fred ganti ID dan serang
> Elaine diam-diam ^^
> >
> > Saran sedikit, jika memang tidak suka cut loss, bisa averaging or
> switch to long term investment. Elaine tidak harus dipercaya, jadi
> hanya confirmation against your own analysis. Cheer up ^^ It's not
> the end of the world, come on.. :)
> >
> > Elaine
> >

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