Pasar akan mencari equilibrium baru mas (apa tuh ??)
Jadi walaupun banyak produsen SS (stainless steel) yang beralih membuat SS
dgn kandungan nickel yang rendah
Ini tetap membuat pasaran SS tetap diminati.

SS type 304 yang nickelnya 10% menjadi terlalu mahal,
Jadi pake SS yang kandungan nickel 1%, tetap aja nickel nya terpakai.
Ini membuat pasaran pelat SS jadi murah dan ahirnya banyak dipakai orang lagi
Jadi pakae time range LT mas

Gitu …. Jadi gak usah kuatir dgn penurunan harga saham ANTM dan INCO
Ibarat dulu pake innova yang boros terus ada saingan avanza yang lebih hemat
Tidak membuat orang jadi tidak bepergian, tapi hanya ganti moda transport

Getooo A3K

From:  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andi Wahyudi
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar]

Q1 sih kmrn seperti itu Pak..tapi saya bukan God yang tahu
semuanya...Kalau BD ngegoreng INCO ke atas ya repot he he..tapi yg jelas
nickel memang sedang sunset

Aman sih kita maen aja di sektor yang grup industrinya lagi nge-bul a.k.a
baru bangun tidur n siap2 terbang.....

Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lalu apakah produsen2 besar nickel akan mengikuti trend ini pak Andi? Kalo
begini antm & inco bisa payah dong...

Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bukan ajakan bukan himbauan.

Maret 2008 Norilsk Nickel mengumumkan akan membelanjakan 105 juta USD
untuk new nickel field di Siberia.

Menurut laporan IISI, Austenitic stainles steel akan banyak digantikan
oleh Ferritic stainless steel. Kandungan nickel di ferritic stainless
steel lebih rendah dibanding austenitic stainless steel.

Bukan cuma INCO LK Q1 2008 mengalami drop, nickel producer lainnya
mengalami hal yang kurang lebih sama.

May God Bless Us Always
Stainless steel production to grow further – but at a slower rate
21 May 2007 Kyoto - The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) expects
that stainless crude steel production in 2007 will be higher than the
record-level of production in 2006, mostly driven by recovery from 2005
and some restocking. High raw material prices, especially for nickel,
encourage ISSF to promote ferritic grades as an economic and effective
solution for the main applications of stainless steel: a book “The
Ferritic Solution” is now available.

ISSF releases new publications
21 May 2007 Kyoto - The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has
published three new brochures during its 11th Annual Conference in Kyoto,
Japan. The brochures are:
Book of New Applications 2007
ISSF has published its second reference to new stainless steel
applications. The Book of New Applications contains more than 60
applications from around the world. Sectors such as building and
construction, industrial machinery and transport are covered.
The Ferritic Solution: The essential guide to ferritic stainless steels
Ferritic stainless steels share most of the mechanical and
corrosion-resistance properties of their more expensive cousins,
austenitic stainless steels. However, unlike the austenitics, ferritic
stainless steels contain no nickel. This makes them a cost-effective
alternative in many applications.
The Ferritic Solution provides an overview of the properties of ferritic
stainless steels, the advantages of using them and the applications where
they can be used. The Ferritic Solution is a crucial reference document
for stainless steel users, specifiers and producers.

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