i was beginning to really enjoy your story and was impressed regarding your 
methods to prevent all criminal activities in your area as well perpetuating 
this, until the "wannabe gangster white boys" remark. If what you say in 
respect of running a clean business is true, then you have my vote and 
support, but unless you are a "white boy" yourself, i resent the label you 
stuck on them.
I despise gangsters and wannabe gangsters for the distress they cause in our 
town, but i believe we should refrain from making race remarks, irrespective 
of which race we are discussing.The term "black boy," "coloured boy," "white 
boy",.etc,..has no place in our present day society and those whom still use 
these derogadory descriptions, reflect there true feelings about the race 
they are discussing.
the only time it should be used is to describe a felon who has committed a 
crime and the network needs to get out a description of the suspect, but 
still the "boy" label should be omitted, exactly because of the history of 

Stigmas die hard.

your entire detail of how effective your crime busting is, was negated by 
that single expression
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Antonio Gandalf's" <antoniotr...@yahoo.com>
To: "The Observatory Neighbourhood watch" <obsnw@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 10:16 PM
Subject: [obsnw] Re: Gandalf's

Yes Brian I agree we need to keep our streets clean of everything in
fact if you drive by my venue in the early hours of the morning you
will see either myself or one of my cleaning staff picking up as much
dirt as we possibly can, fact is the Roads in our immediate area is
cleaner than any other Road up in the main section of Obz even though
we are allot busier most nights.
The roads we patrol do not have broken shards of glass from car brake-
ins and we do not have drug dealers hanging around our corners, why
because when we first opened (after first trying things legally with
the SAP) my six brothers two bouncers and I sorted things out our
First we got rid of the prostitutes hanging around on the corners,
then the drug dealers as soon as they tried to stop outside the venue
or if they were just walking around in our general area we would go
and talk to them in the only language they know at first it caused us
some trouble but eventually when they saw we were not intimidated they
stopped coming around and we did the same with car burglars.
While our methods might not be approved by the majority of the
pacifists in Obz think about this we are almost in the middle of
Woodstock Salt River area, supposedly a worse area than the rest of
Obz, we are busier more often than the rest of Obz but yet on days
that we are open we have non of the crimes Obz has become infamous for
and now after NINE years we are being attacked for supposedly allowing
our customers to Tag walls in and around Obz.
Let me remind you all, that Tagging is an international problem more
often committed by gangs and Hip Hop crews and those wanabee gangster
white boys from your more up market areas.
The only markers most of my clientele carry around with them are the
ones we use to apply our make-up and we all know how dangerous
eyeliner is. LOL

On Feb 5, 9:43 pm, Big Brian <gra...@iafrica.com> wrote:
> Could we concentrate on cleaning up Lower Main Road?
> Personally, I have no qualms about anyone's lifestyle. But, when I see
> shards of glass in the street and spraypaint on the walls, I get
> annoyed.
> When I hear about theft of and theft out of motor vehicle, I get more
> annoyed. It is really spiteful and nasty to vandalise and steal
> another person's property.
> More than ever, we need to co-operate.
> Keep Observatory safe and clean.
> And safe.
> Brian Gray.
> On Feb 3, 6:10 pm, "Johnny Wessels" <john...@postnet.co.za> wrote:
> > yeah, if u step over the line at this venue u shall be doomed to "the 
> > cave
> > of the dead",..which so aptly describes this subject
> > > I'd like to throw in my two cents. I've had friends who've tried to
> > > get rowdy at Gandalf's on a couple of occasions. Their extremely
> > > unbiased appraisal (they would have loved to have got away with the
> > > crap they were up to) was that Antonio would have none of it. Antonio
> > > made it VERY clear that shenanigans like they were trying to pull
> > > would not be tolerated in any shape or form in his establishment.
> > > Their appraisal of his disciplined attitude came from more than just
> > > one incident, too.
> > > Gandalf's may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it would be
> > > unfortunate if Antonio was tarred as some ruthless exploiter of kids.
> > > One of the safer nightclubs I've ever been to (back when I was a lot
> > > younger, naturally ;)
> > "You may choose to live your life in pieces or you may choose to live 
> > your
> > life in peace,...we cannot start over and change the beginning, but we 
> > can
> > start now and change the end,..."- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


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