Damn right - it was a murder   WAITING / TO / HAPPEN !
Just as the now-too-many-others have been !
And just as those still to come will be.....
Nicely said Rob !

Magnificently said Brian !
I am as frustrated and as angry as you are !

There are a few remarkable folk in Observatory who work damn hard trying to
set limits against scarily-entrenched crime.
But, frankly, even *at a huge stretch of the imagination*, if every ruddy
resident in Obs were *actively involved* what we would gain when, as Brian
so rightly says....

The Liquor Board fails us.  According to the liquor board there are some
clubs that have not paid their 2010 licence fees which should result in an
automatic loss of the licence, requiring a new application. Does it happen?

Magistrates who extend temporary licences to all and sundry at the drop of a
hat (or maybe something more substantial) fail us.

Prosecutors who squash or reduce fines duly given by SAPS, fail us.

SAPS fail us every time they drive past a noisy bar with its doors wide open
and mindless doof doof blaring out into the streets, or a bar still trading
after its closing time, or a bar allowing people to spill outside and drink
in the streets, or noisy patrons disturbing our sleep as they stagger home.

There is a constipation in the process to institute Section 141 hearings
into pubs and clubs who for example serve alcohol to under age drinkers,
serve alcohol to customers who are inebriated, allow drug trade to take
place on their premises.

Many of the pubs and clubs operating in Observatory do not comply with the
City of Cape Town's regulations and yet they continue to trade even after
having been fined and summonsed to court by the City.

To the few ONW members who *mercifully* (...for the rest of us) work so hard
on our behalf to try to limit criminal activity in Observatory.......I can't
thank you enough.....

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