Hi Denis,

First sorry for slow reply.

On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 23:50 +0200, Denis Kenzior wrote:
> So my thinking is that we should:
> - Not update conditional cfs when cfu is active (whether via
> GetProperties or mmi)
> - only clear the conditional cache flag if a conditional operation is
> attempted and succeeds while cfu is active
> - Report conditional cfs as empty when CFU is active (and emit signals
> appropriately when cfu is activated / deactivated)
> - Don't bother running conditional cf queries via GetProperties if cfu
> is active
> Do you see any issues with this?  I'm really trying to minimize the
> number of queries we have to do in the most common case (which is
> activating / deactivating cfu via settings)

- Check if CFU is active and if so return empty string to any
conditional query regardless of the the actual state and regardless of
the used API.
- If CFU not active return the state of queried conditional
- If CFU active and there's an attempt to activate/deactivate
conditional make the operation to modem/network and return possible
error code but do not update conditional state in ofono OR if the
attempt is successful then clear the conditional cache flag.

did I get this right?

and to your earlier question regarding if I could make the patch
unfortunately I don't think I have got the time at the moment so should
I maybe make a TODO out of this so that it won't be forgotten?


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