On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Clark Peterson wrote:

> > The problem is that many of the spell names (the
> > vast majority in the case of what's been submitted to me) -- are extremely
> > generic names.  Names that given the function of the spell, are really the
> > best, most natural, names for what those spells do.
> I agree with that problem. That means we did a good
> job naming the spells. :) But you have a license to
> use the spell names. Given the license, what is the
> seemingly desperate need to make an OGC name? The
> license doesnt prohibit your use in any way, other
> than that you cant designate it as pure OCG. It only
> "hinders" (if you can even call it that) distribution
> in a theoretical way, not in any practical way. Just
> use the spell and then say "all spell names from
> Relics and Rituals are used pursuant to a limited
> license contained therein."

In a way, what you've done is shifted the burden of typing all the PI
terms into a clump off of your shoulders and onto the shoulders of the

You decided that it would be easier to declare all spell names PI and
then give a free license to use those PI names, than it would have
been to make a complete list of all the setting-specific words in some
(but not all) of the spell names, declare just those words to be PI,
and allow all other spell names of parts of spell names to be Open
with some license arrangement for the use of those specific PI words.

Now, if someone wants to use some spells from your book and he wants
to mix them in with the spells from some other book, if he wants to
use the PI names *he* has to be the one to make a list of all their
names or come up with some other way of clearly designating those
spell names as licensed PI, so that some third publisher down the line
will know which spells are subject to your sublicense and which

Faced with the choice, someone might choose to come up with a
completely Open new title instead of having to jump through a hoop, no
matter how close to the ground the hoop is held.

Spike Y Jones

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