----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin L. Shoemaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Perhaps a middle way: put "All spell names from Relics & Rituals are used by
> license." in YOUR copyright in your section 15. At that point, he has no
> choice AND no problem: he has to reproduce your section 15 verbatim. Then,
> if he happens to reuse anything that you reused from R&R, he's covered. If
> he DOESN'T reuse anything, he's just reproducing your section 15.

Wow, I thought you just had to credit the sources of the work you used! I take it this
means that when Michael Cortez gets a lot of OGC on his d20 Exchange website, anyone 
copies OGC from THERE will have to give him a free advert even though he has just
reproduced the content and in most cases not added anything to it.

It sounds like people should start advertising their websites in their section 15s to 
a bit of web traffic out of any OGC reuse. Perhaps publishers who really want to 
their OGC should add ten pages of adverts into the middle of their section 15! ;-)

David Shepheard
Ogf-l mailing list

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