>If putting a line that says "all spells from Relics and Rituals are used by
license" is a hurdle to someone, I don't know how that person gets through
the day.

It's not necessarily the statement that's the hurtle, but the trickle-down
effect caused by a lack of information.

Let's say, for instance, I'm drawing two spells from a source that includes
a few R&R spells and all the re-user has put is "All [spell names] from
Relics & Rituals are used by license", how do *I* know if the two spells I'm
using require me to use the Goodies License or not?  While I agree that
re-using R&R material is easy, if the re-user doesn't specify which spells
those are, it becomes difficult for a second generation re-user, who may or
may not have R&R and thus may or may not know which spells that line refers

~Jimmy Domsalla

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clark Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Ogf-l] PI Spell Names

> > In a way, what you've done is shifted the burden of
> > typing all the PI
> > terms into a clump off of your shoulders and onto
> > the shoulders of the
> > reuser.
> > Now, if someone wants to use some spells from your
> > book and he wants
> > to mix them in with the spells from some other book,
> > if he wants to
> > use the PI names *he* has to be the one to make a
> > list of all their
> > names or come up with some other way of clearly
> > designating those
> > spell names as licensed PI, so that some third
> > publisher down the line
> > will know which spells are subject to your
> > sublicense and which
> > aren't.
> Incorrect. All they need do is say "All spells from
> Relics and Rituals are used by license."
> > Faced with the choice, someone might choose to come
> > up with a
> > completely Open new title instead of having to jump
> > through a hoop, no
> > matter how close to the ground the hoop is held.
> >
> > Spike Y Jones
> Sure. They could choose that.
> If putting a line that says "all spells from Relics
> and Rituals are used by license" is a hurdle to
> someone, I dont know how that person gets through the
> day. Frankly, I dont see how a person like that is
> able to turn on their computer to post a gripe about
> said alleged hurdle.
> Clark
> =====
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